thursday evening/night i managed to finish packing the upstairs, and moved most of it to my new digs.
i was working friday evening/night for an enterprise maintenance window, so i got to go into work late. i used the morning hours to take care of my eztags, talk with an automotive restoration company, and make a drop-off of stuff at the new place. while at the office, i managed to get in touch with a moving company and set up a move appointment for 1pm tuesday.
saturday i got up and started packing some more. jack came over in the afternoon and helped me. i made one full trip to the new house, then i ate supper with the potts at chuy’s. i got my first mail at the new house today — a star of hope letter (i’d updated my address with them) and the title to the vw bus. i’ve still yet to see my passport.
my hope is to be able to move almost all of the box-able stuff myself before the movers come. as of the end of saturday i’m 100% done with the upstairs, about 75% with the dining room, living room, master bedroom, and kitchen, and 0% with the garage. i’m thinking at this point i can meet my move out deadline without too much pain, but every now and then i start to get worried that it’s all going to take me much longer than i anticipate. mostly it’s the garage that concerns me…there’s a lot of crap out there.